вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


Soton was, if anything, a predictable and faithful servant of Styphon's House. Guildmaster Dyag's presumptuous use of the royal we made Kalvan glad Rylla was not seated at her throne, a smaller version of his own. Dalla made a face like she just caught a bad odor. Lysandros is so besotted with Styphon's archpriests I'm surprised he does not dress in a yellow robe! Not only would it upset Lysandros' and Styphon's House's invasion plans, but it would serve to bring Kalvan and Rylla together, united against a common enemy. Maybe Kalvan should have followed his instincts last year and taken his army into Hos-Harphax, while the Harphaxi Army was still in shock from the losses at Tenabra and Chothros Heights. siege of tarr hostigos

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Captain Waklos, who was in charge of teaching Morse code to future semaphore signalers, had informed him yesterday that he had enough graduates to post two signalers at each semaphore station between Hostigos and Beshta. Myros took hold of the scribe's ankles, just above his wooden clogs, and dragged him out of the cell. After several years of sieeg, Hostigos has more than its share of widows and orphans.

Siege of Tarr-Hostigos

The Argos River and the Eastern Ocean had been unseasonably calm until today and the land lubber highpriests were busy down in the jakes emptying their bellies of this morning's breakfast. Being force-fed eighteen years of Calvinist guilt might have something to do with it, too. Yul rated it it was amazing Jul 25, Mark Kearney rated it really liked it Apr 15, It has also given them a great incentive to work on their drills. It must be important or Sargos would have chosen a different envoy. Her father and most of her family had died in one of the border raids that had almost turned into an invasion.

Well, now that he thought it out, that didn't seem very likely, but one could hope…. I know it, Grand Master. If only there was a god-somewhere, anywhere-to forgive me for what I have done! The Guildmaster made the slightest of bows and said, "The Hostigos Town Council of Guilds has appointed me as its spokesman. That is all We can do, or will do on the matter. It wasn't every day that nobility graced the Foundry with its presence.

John Carr. Siege of Tarr-Hostigos

Roxthar has attracted a large following among the lower priests of the outer circle4, the ones who actually do the day-to-day labor and work of running the temples and are the core of true believers in their god, Styphon. Nor would it be a bad thing to have such formidable and loyal men as his personal guard. The truth was that Hos-Hostigos could not afford a defeat anywhere; the minute he stopped winning battles the people of Hos-Hostigos would stop believing in the Gods'-Sent-Kalvan- then his problems would really begin.

He had not only merely survived but also flourished, turning the small princedom of Hostigos into the Great Kingdom of Hos-Hostigos. The leadership of Styphon's House retaliated by using their influence and gold to provoke a war between Hostigos and the much larger Princedoms of Nostor and Sask.

News of the battles in the Trygath and beyond were sketchy and rumors had flooded the Northern Kingdoms for the past six moons.

siege of tarr hostigos

Each body of worshippers is kept secret from the others. Refresh and try again. Anaxthenes had many questions to ask, but knew it was most politic to let Soton open the conversation. Phidestros was surprised to note how much Soton had aged; there were sharp lines around his eyes and mouth, and his beard had turned mostly gray.

Master Eranes, who was also a secret highpriest of Allfather Dralm, had found Myros begging on the streets of Balph and given him his first job, had even taken him into his home-an act of kindness Eranes was certainly regretting now. But enough ot this, my time is not endless-nor is my patience! Mistress Jomna-" he paused to stop the involuntary circle he'd been about to make around his breast, a sign of the Allfather. Unfortunately, the Royal Foundling home in Hostigos Town was already filled to bursting with the orphans from last year's war.

Although, Dralm's truth be known, Colonel Democriphon is doing an exemplary job and if I show up unannounced on another of Aiege 'fact finding missions' one more time Democriphon will take it as personal criticism of his command.

siege of tarr hostigos

The second, and probably more important, was that he was now the Baron of Eython, a neighboring domain-just outside Boalsburg, or Hyllos Town- and a barony that Sthentros had long coveted. First it was Chartiphon questioning his military decisions, now the Council of Guilds. I'm not paying them all in gold. Wayne rated it it was siegs Mar 15, I notice he's refrained from giving Kalvan any of his patented advice.

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