вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


Please contact me or re-up, please!! But Young had an idea, why not make the next record a record of these new songs, played live in front of audiences completely unfamiliar with the material? Moreover, clashes among The Stray Gators continued, with Nitzsche complaining that he couldn't hear himself playing because Crosby's string electric guitar overpowered the sound mix. Thank you very much for this pearl. A mix was recorded to a second 16 track machine--we had 2 that would run perfectly together--to feed the variable pitch system of the lathe--but was discarded when we were through. time fades away hdcd

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There was no "master tape" per se, the mixdown was mastered direct to disk.

Yes, my password is: Traveling there soon became a bore so I headed for the ditch. Very nice, that's fan made though.

Neil Young - Time Fades Away (withdrawn 1995 HDCD CD Release)

Just checking to see if you're still there. I don't know the exact terminology, but hopefully I'm making sense. Analog Loyalist February 13, at 1: It's an amazing record, and the HDCD version sounds great. Starsailor November 27, at 7: Appick June 3, at 3: But am I the only one who can't download part 2?

The Power of Independent Trucking: essential: Neil Young - Time Fades Away HDCD

Called in to supplement the harmonies and add some extra guitar were David Crosby and Graham Nash. I think Neil's recollection of this record is colored by the events of the time within his orbit.

Hate to contradict you, but you are thoroughly mistaken. I'm hoping he tie a change of heart and includes it in Archives Vol.


And the all-star band backing Young didn't get it - not like Young wanted them to, at least. Well, the record did see release on 8-track and cassette in the 70s, and it's presumed a backup safety reel of the live-as-she-goes computer mixdown was simultaneously made at the same time the LP was mastered, and Young may have used this to master the '95 HDCD encoding.

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time fades away hdcd

Merlo November 9, at 4: I just wish he would release it for everyone else. I hope with the way things are moving that the next Box Set is in fact a BD offering. Retrieved March 23, — via robertchristgau.

time fades away hdcd

Thank you very much for this pearl. Also, thanks for the background on the recording. Who came from where? No songs from this album are included here.

Retrieved 18 December Of course the campaign ended with no Missing 6 CDs actually being released, but the escaped copies are still out there in the wild, and sound completely gobsmackingly fantastic.

Great sounding CD, definitely the real thing.

Time Fades Away - Wikipedia

Time Fades Away I am operating from fading memory. This album has never been released officially on CD, although in it was remastered using the HDCD system and was set for release for the first time on CD.

Neil Young So you want to expand your bootleg aaay There were no 2 track masters ever made of this record. While I love the spirit or to be accurate spirits behind this tour, the looseness, and abandon they play with, the material and songwriting is as weak as anything he released until the 80s if you exclude Don't Be Denied and JTTP. I felt like a product, and I had this band of all-star musicians that couldn't even look at each other.

time fades away hdcd

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